Day 6 - Arenal

One of our zip line groups
One of our zip line groups
Excitement and fun may be the words of the day. We traveled to the Arenal region of Costa Rica. The landscape changed dramatically from dry grasses to lush jungle as the day went on. Students were excited for the activities of the day. We had the opportunity to take a zip line tour and then visit some amazing hot springs. We purchased the photos from the zip line tour for us all to have. They gave us a few today to post and will share the others with us via Dropbox in a week or so. To see the photos take a look at the photo section.  We thought it was best tonight to let a few students describe these activities. Here are a few quotes from three students. 

From Harrison: 
"Today was pretty fun. In the morning, we were transported from Guanacaste to the Arenal Region of Costa Rica. When we finally got into the area, our group got the opportunity to zip line through the rainforest. Personally, my favorite moment was on a longer line. As I went down the wire, I could look to my left and there, in the distance, was what I can only describe as a wall of trees. They were incredibly high and dense and it was so interesting to see the untouched parts of the world." 

From Brian: 
"In the Hot springs it was really cool (Pun intended, but a bad one) there were counters that you could order drinks from, to slides that went into the hot spring the hotel was milking those hot springs (figure of speech) so much that everyone was so tired when we got to the hotel everyone was drained and even coffee and ice cream wasn't helping. So, all in all today was Awesome! See you all on Saturday Adios Pura Vida!! "

From Sky: 
"Today we went zip lining and we went to the hot springs! At zip lining, there's no real "brakes", it's just a glove that rides along behind you that you push and pull on. It's a little nerve wracking when your glove starts to make strange noises and you drift toward the wire a little, but everyone was okay."

Adam Thornton

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Comments: 6
  • #1

    John Yates (Thursday, 24 March 2016 04:32)

    Really enjoying the photos!
    Did you receive my pics of the blizzard you missed?

  • #2

    Priscilla Gullekson (Thursday, 24 March 2016 08:50)

    So jealous! I'll take zip lines and hot tubs any day over digging out of 2ft of snow- had some drifts that were over 3 ft! Have fun!

  • #3

    Jeanne Brown (Thursday, 24 March 2016 09:57)

    That all sounds so amazing! I hope your skin feels great after those hot springs. With 2 feet of snow, 3-4 ft drifts, and the city virtually shut down, it feels like a jungle here, only a really cold white one! :) We can't wait to hear about the next adventures! Stay safe!

  • #4

    Colten Gammel (Thursday, 24 March 2016 12:59)

    Today we went zip lining and it was so fun there were different lengths of zip lines but my personal favorite were the long ones and after ziplining we went to the hot springs and it felt so amazing there were different tempatures of water and it was cool because the water was heated by the volcano

  • #5

    Michael (Thursday, 24 March 2016 18:30)

    I'm jealous, like all of you I missed the blizzard, but unlike all of you it is because the last leg of my flight to Denver was cancelled due to the weather and I've been stuck in a hotel room in Chicago. Your trip looks amazing.....I'd rather be where you are!! You don't want to be where I'm at, long airline customer service lines, followed by long TSA lines. Have fun, we cant wait to see you on Saturday!!

  • #6

    CR Vacation Rentals (Tuesday, 25 October 2016 05:09)

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