Day 5: Chitre Artisan Visits


Tonight we have two guest bloggers. I hope you enjoy their blog post below. 


It is hard to believe that we are past the half way point of our trip. It is at this point in the trip when things start to become bitter sweet. We have made many memories, made new friends, and learned a lot about Panama. We are eager to see more. Sad to know that our time is almost up, but excited to know that we will soon see our families again. 


Tonight we passed out the letters from all of the parents. Each student took his or her letter and found a quiet place around the pool to read and reflect. It was a special moment. 


As chaperones we are so glad that we have been able to be apart of this journey with these wonderful students. We hope that they will come home looking at the world with a new set of eyes. 


Mr .T 


The Internet connection has been weak tonight so I will be posting pictures when we get back to Panama City. 


Hello parents! Panama is such a beautiful place! The culture here is so vibrant and is truly amazing. Both Cece and I are falling in love with this country, and are sure that everyone else is as well. Today as we visited many artisans in Panama’s Chitré, we all experienced the ways of everyday lives in Panama. We are all so happy and loving every day of this trip, it is a blast. We also have learned many new things, as well as made new memories. The group shared lots of laughs as students attempted to drum, make clay, and dance. Today was a wonderful day for new experiences. Together we wrote a blog post for day two… TWICE! But neither time it saved, and it was much better than this one. But oh well, because we had some time for reflection and we looked on the bright side of things.



-Logan R and Sierra W

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Comments: 14
  • #1

    Alex Hickson (Thursday, 22 March 2018 00:08)

    bien hecho and bien joué Logan and Sierra great blog
    To all our young adventurers, your not done yet so continue to take it all in!
    Learn as much as you can but have fun doing it and enjoy these last few days.
    can't wait to see photos from day 5.
    Hugs to Leilani, I love you! and miss you!..... dad

  • #2

    David Gross (Thursday, 22 March 2018 00:29)

    What a wonderful day! Can't wait for Tyler to share his dance moves with the fam! I hope you all enjoy the canal on Thursday!

  • #3

    Lisa & Brandon Conner (Thursday, 22 March 2018 01:13)

    “The real voyage of discovery,” as Marcel Proust famously said, “consists not in seeing new sights, but in looking with new eyes. And of course, once you have new eyes, even the old sights, even your home, become something different.” We are so excited for Saturday to arrive so we can hear all about your trip. We miss you Isabelle and are so appreciative of your teachers’ efforts in providing this experience for you and your friends. Continue to enjoy the journey! Love you! XO

  • #4

    Jennifer Westphal (Thursday, 22 March 2018 06:58)

    It sounds like these kids are learning so much about the world, and how different the rest of the world is from their little suburb in Parker, Colorado. Thank you so much for taking our kids on such an amazing, educational journey! I've never seen Sierra more excited about social studies! I love you Cece, and we all can't wait to hear your stories when you come back!!

  • #5

    Stacey - Ty’s Mama (Thursday, 22 March 2018 08:38)

    What a fabulous day!
    The masks are scary and fantastic.
    I’ve been sharing the photos with my co-workers and they are all amazed with the beauty of Panamá.
    Ty- hope you are learning some good recipes you can bring back and share with the family.
    Love you so much!

  • #6

    Tina Spiliotis (Thursday, 22 March 2018 08:57)

    It’s such a treat to open up the email and read about all the adventures in Panama. I wanted to thank Mr. T for the wonderful pictures so far and I can’t wait to see the rest. The smiles on the kids faces are priceless. Traveling is such an education and to have such wonderful teachers there is awesome! Remember to thank all of them for their hard work with this trip. Relax on your bus ride back to the city. I’ll be waiting for tonight’s email to see what the rest of your day brings.

  • #7

    Mom & Dad McD (Thursday, 22 March 2018 10:55)

    The last thing we do each night is read the blog and check out the photos. This has been such a fun adventure for us to follow along with! We are so proud of you all for being open-minded and enthusiastic in experiencing a new culture. It looks and sounds like you are having so much fun! We are jealous we aren't there and it's not just because of the weather! Thanks so much to all the bloggers and photogs for making us feel like we are part of the adventure! Xoxo R&R

  • #8

    Pam Kyle (Thursday, 22 March 2018 13:24)

    I know you're having the time of your life, learning all about Panama with dear friends. Can't wait to hear more in person!
    Nana to Riggs & Regan

  • #9

    Grandpa David (Thursday, 22 March 2018 17:04)

    Jack: It is exciting to follow all things your group is getting to do and experience. Is it kinda scary being so far away from home for the first time? Well, that will change real soon. Too soon, maybe. My hope is you are getting to try as many new things as possible. My memories of Panama include all the excitement and yelling as little kids ran away in every direction when our great big German Shepherd would suddenly, and unexpectedly, leap out of our van. But then it was fun when the same kids slowly came back to excitedly pet the dog when they realized how gentle and friendly he was. My guess is that energetic personality is still in the people of Panama today. Hope you are getting to know and enjoy it we did. See you real soon! I love you.
    Grandpa David

  • #10

    Danny McDougalle (Thursday, 22 March 2018 19:42)

    Hey guys, Been following your trip. Hope you are having a good time. We are enjoying the pictures from your adventures. Be safe and take care can' t wait to see more.

  • #11

    Michael Covard (Thursday, 22 March 2018 20:36)

    Very cool... making clay pots and painting! Looks like lots of fun and great learning experience. Hugs and kisses Marina!

  • #12

    Grandma Aden (Thursday, 22 March 2018 21:19)

    Each day we look forward to the special blog posts and photos. Chitre must be a fascinating place! Noelle, it's great to see your happy smiles as you experience this travel adventure. Grandpa likes your new hat :)

  • #13

    Nick, Britt, & Evie Little (Thursday, 22 March 2018 21:30)

    Looks like you guys are having a blast! So fun to see the photos and all the adventures you’ve been doing.
    I’m sure your sad to see your trip come to end but on the bright side you’ll soon be greeted with Baby Little #2 any day now!

    Safe travels home & enjoy the rest of your trip!

  • #14

    Marcy Covard (Thursday, 22 March 2018 22:35)

    It is so fun to hear about everything you are experiencing in Panama. A trip to remember for sure. Can't wait to hear more about it when you are back. Bella wants to know more too! Love Mom.